Treespace Ecological Management Plan

Client: Treespace Limited (Treespace)

Treespace was founded to support global initiatives to combat climate change and restore indigenous ecosystems by purchasing and restoring deforested land.  In 2018, Treespace took its first steps to fulfil this purpose by acquiring Mt Dewar Station and implementing an innovative commercial development model.

e3Scientific was commissioned by Treespace to develop an Ecological Management Plan (EMP) for the 1,768 hectares of high-country pastoral farmland surrounding Mt Dewar, which contained large areas of wilding conifer forest. Governing principles for the restoration included ecological enhancement, natural regeneration and carbon sequestration.

e3s commenced the project by identifying, assessing and mapping physical characteristics and ecological values of the site. These values informed the development of ecological restoration plans. The plans proposed the planting of 64,080 beech trees within custom planting structures (clusters) with an additional approx. 80,000 trees proposed to be planted within backcountry habitats. The plan also outlined a comprehensive programme of woody weed, goat, hare and rabbit control.

e3Scientific has been supporting Treespace with the implementation of the Management Plan since 2018. We have assisted with the planting, management and monitoring of more than 80,000 beech trees across the station and we are proud of our contribution to this landmark, positive project.

Nicole Mesman

Project Environmental Scientist (Arrowtown Office)

Will Sturch

Environmental Scientist (Christchurch Office)

Scott Fellers

Senior Environmental Scientist (Christchurch Office)

Waka-Nathan Miller

Scientific Diver, Equipment/Field Technician - Marine and Freshwater Ecology (Invercargill Office)

Mark Hamer

Senior Freshwater Ecologist (Hamilton Office)

Natasha West

Environmental Scientist (Arrowtown Office)

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