e3s Welcomes Nicole Mesman to the Arrowtown team

e3s is excited to welcome Nicole Mesman to our Arrowtown team!

With a BSc Soil Science and Environmental Management from Lincoln University, plus 10 years’ experience working in environmental roles in the agricultural sector, Nicole is an exciting addition to e3Scientific water team.

Prior to commencing work with e3Scientific, Nicole was employed as a Resource Management Consultant assisting farmers with farm sustainability, working to increase on farm efficiency, options for mitigating impacts and environmental reporting and compliance. Nicole prides herself in bridging the gap between science and research, environmental management and policy and communicating clearly to a range of audiences.

Nicole has worked on a range of projects including irrigation efficiency and soil compaction, nitrogen loss and greenhouse gas mitigation and resource consent applications. Nicole has extensive experience analysing landscapes to assess risks, applying relevant mitigations, data collection, interpretation, and reporting as required alongside consulting with affected parties including rūnanga. She is familiar with visual soil assessments, water and soil quality testing and presenting data clearly.


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